Digital School of Distinction Validation 2017

As part of our application for a 21st Century School of Distinction Award with Trinity College, we are working towards a Digital School of Distinction Award.  “The Digital Schools of Distinction is a flagship programme which aims to promote, recognise and encourage excellence in the use of technology in primary schools.”  

Some of the work on show case by our students for digital validation include:-

-Building a circuit to get LED bulbs flashing using Scratch GPIO and a Raspberry Pi

-Showcasing Kahoot as a tool for 21st Century assessment and learning in the classroom.

-Demonstration of building and manipulating a robot to help with 21st century problem solving.  The MakeBlock app is used to gain credits towards various levels of manipualtion with the robot.   MBlock is used for general control of the MBot

– Showing how Minecraft is used to enhance SESE projects:- building the temple of the inscriptions from the Mayan Civilisation and the Taj Mahal after a study on India.

– Demonstrating how Spelling City is used across all levels to develop spelling and vocabulary.

– Students explain how they use Google drive to share and send their files at home and in school. They also show their record of work within their personal folders which have been drafted, edited and re-drafted.

-Exhibiting the uses of the Chatterpix app for oral language development and speaking Irish.

We are hoping to be validated for this award in the coming weeks.


Teaching Principal since 2005. Passionate about the use of technology in the classroom to promote and instil a love for learning.

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